Drop/Add/Withdrawal Policy

All students will have the option to add, 下降, 或者在不影响平均成绩的情况下,按照规定的时间退出学分课程.  使用联邦财政援助(第四章)的学生在一个时期的60%内按比例获得资金, 基于在学分制程序中完成的天数或在时钟小时程序中完成的时钟小时.  如果学生获得了联邦第四章经济援助,并且没有完成他们计划在付款期内完成的所有课程就退出了所有课程,那么他们将受到返回第四章的计算, 除非他们提供书面确认他们计划在同一时期晚些时候参加另一门课程.

Drop/Add 程序

学生可以在上课前几天指定的日期在网上添加或删除一门或几门课程,前提是课程没有关闭. 如果增加一门或几门课程,使注册的总学时从兼职状态增加到全职状态, additional tuition will be charged. 如果一门或几门课程被取消,那么注册的总学时就会从全日制减少到兼职, the tuition will be adjusted and credit or refund issued, 如果需要. The designated add/下降 dates are listed under the Academic Calendar at this website. It is also published in the current semester course schedule. All schedule change(s) must be completed online in the student’s myCCTC account, during add/下降 period.

Withdrawal 程序

在加/退期之后,所有课程的变更都需要学生与他们的导师一起填写一份退/改课表。. 学生可以在退学期间退学,并获得“W”级,该分数不计入平均绩点.  学生发起的退出程序必须在教师提交的出勤率下降之前完成, 或者学生必须向课程所在部门的系主任/项目经理提供可减轻情况的文件.

  • Withdrawal from a face-to-face class (not an online or hybrid class)
    如果学生意识到他们不能再满足面对面课程的出勤要求, 他们可以在公布的退课截止日期之前退课,成绩为“W”。.  The student must meet face-to-face with the instructor(s).  退课表将由讲师提供给学生(如果学生要退多门课,则是第一位讲师)。. The student must get the last date of attendance and signature of the instructor(s). The student must meet with a financial aid counselor and get the counselor’s signature. The student must provide the form with signatures to Cashier.  The Cashier will scan the signed form in and return the original to student.
  • Withdrawal from an online or hybrid class (not a face-to-face class)
    如果学生意识到他们不能再满足在线或混合课程的出勤要求, 他们可以在公布的退课截止日期之前退课,成绩为“W”。.  学生必须发电子邮件给他想要退课的每门课的老师.  A withdrawal form, including the last date of attendance, will be provided by each instructor to the student via email.  The student must provide the form to the cashier. If the student is outside the service area, 财务援助顾问将把表格通过电子邮件发送给收银员,并将电子邮件的副本发送给学生.   The Cashier will scan the form(s) in.
  • 在特殊情况下退课,如学生住院,不能来填写退课表. 
    如果学生意识到由于特殊情况,如住院治疗,他们不能再满足上课的出勤要求, 他们可以在公布的退课截止日期之前退课,成绩为“W”。.  在特殊情况下,学生或其代表必须按照程序成功退课. The student or student’s representative must email or telephone the Registrar.  Documentation supporting extenuating circumstances must be provided.  Student is advised to contact Financial Aid.  退出表格,包括最后出席日期,将由书记官长填写.  注册主任将通过电子邮件将表格发送给教师,要求允许学生退出课程.  Once form is received with instructors’ signatures, 主任将把表格送到资助处签字,然后交给出纳扫描.  The Cashier will scan the form in.


在公布的退学截止日期之后要求退学的学生必须在成绩输入之前向学生事务副校长提交医疗/个人原因的正式文件. 只有在学期结束前学生不能与学院联系的情有可原的情况下,在这段时间之后才会被考虑. Appropriate reasons for requesting a “W” after the withdrawal deadline would include:
a. Hospitalization of student or immediate family member;
b. Relocation from college’s service area;
c. Change in employment hours;
d. 军事 orders — TDY or PCS; or
e. Other extenuating circumstances.
负责学生事务的副校长将审查情况,并与受影响的每门课程的教员联系,征求他们的意见. If the appeal is approved, the Registrar will enter a grade of “W” for the student.
在公布的退课截止日期之后要求退课的学生,如果没有可以减轻情况的证明文件,将被转介给相应的指导老师.  如果学生不能顺利完成课程,老师可能会给他一个“WA”(退学).   注意:健康科学专业的学生应该咨询健康科学手册和他们的导师澳门线上赌钱官网临床作业的特殊出勤要求.

Section Change 程序

Students requesting to change sections of a course, after the 下降/add period, must have approval of both faculty members or the department chair. 只有当学生在同一学期内从一门课转到另一门课时,才允许改课.  Students will need to print a withdrawal /section change form located in the 表单库 在学院的网站上,并获得导师或系主任的签名.  一旦教师和/或系主任批准并签署了退出/部门变更表, the student will need to submit the form to the Cashier, 在学生服务大楼300处办理或到外展地点的澳门赌钱线上平台处办理.

Student Records

(803) 778-6654, ext. 254
